Today's Labour News

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sabcMail & Guardian reports that the SABC's head of news, Jimi Matthews, has been accused of assaulting a female staff member outside Parliament during the State of the Nation Address.  

A member of the SABC’s Cape Town team, she has laid charges of assault against Matthews at the Cape Town Central Police Station.  A case was also lodged with the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) on Wednesday.  The alleged incident took place on 12 February during the coverage of the State of the Nation Address.  Matthews is said to have attacked the woman, who was unable to receive a feed from Parliament due to signal jamming.  The woman was “victimised, harassed and assaulted verbally, physically and psychologically by a male executive manager following a technical glitch beyond her control or that of the crew she supervised”, reads the complaint to the CCMA.  General Secretary of the Media Workers Association of SA (Mwasa), Tuwani Gumani, has asked that the SABC formally caution and suspend Matthews and institute a formal and independent investigation into the allegations.  Matthews was not prepared to comment on the matter.  A SABC spokesperson confirmed that a formal grievance was lodged seven days after the alleged incident and a few hours after the complainant was told of an impending disciplinary action against her.

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