effSunday Independent reports that a protracted labour dispute between the EFF and a sacked employee dating back to January 2015 has now culminated in the sheriff of Johannesburg North seeking to effect an order to attach close to R500,000 from the party’s bank account.

A writ issued on Tuesday by TA Kruger, the Johannesburg North sheriff, demands the attachment of a total of R492,275 from the EFF’s Braamfontein branch account.

The dispute arose after the EFF fired advocate Fenya Maabane, who swiftly took the matter to the Labour Court.

Maabane, who was the EFF’s researcher in the Limpopo legislature, was a candidate in the 2014 elections – number 32 on the provincial list.  According to his social media profile, he either hailed from Jane Furse in the Sekhukhune district municipality or was based there.

He was dismissed three years ago after being charged with absenteeism and with shirking his duties.  He challenged his dismissal at the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA), which ruled in his favour.

The EFF had until February 2016 to settle the amount, but failed to do so, which resulted in Maabane taking the matter to the Labour Court.

On January 10 last year, the Labour Court also ruled in favour of Maabane, instructing the sheriff to effect the order at R405,790.  But so far the EFF hasn’t played ball.

To date, the sheriff’s costs at R2,500 and 10.25% interest calculated from January 14, 2016, amounting to R83,984, have escalated the figure to R492,275.

On Tuesday, the sheriff executed what was the most serious action in the matter to date.  He served the attachment notice to Esther Mabengo, a manager at the Braamfontein branch of the FNB on Jorissen Street.  The notice served on Mabengo stated that the respondent was still to be served.  

Several attempts to reach Maabane through Morips Consulting Services, to which he is linked, drew a blank.

A source close to the matter, who insisted on anonymity, said the EFF always pretended to be a law-abiding body in public but in private did the opposite.  “They ill treat workers and always tell people to resign,” he said.  “I know these things because my friends in the EFF, who are afraid to speak out, always come to me to unburden (their problems),” the source said.  “The leadership of the EFF are brutal,” the source added, singling out leader Julius Malema and secretary-general Godrich Gardee.

Human resources manager for the party, Nomhle Ngcobo, said although she was aware of the matter, she was not permitted to speak to the media.

EFF national spokesperson, Mbuyiseni Ndlozi, who initially feigned ignorance of the matter, said it was a provincial matter.  He said he would follow up the matter internally to give an official response.  However, he had not responded to The Sunday Independent at the time of going to press

The original of this report by Don Makatile appeared on page 1 of The Sunday Independent of 14 January 2018

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