Sowetan reports that South Africans can now get a qualification from the work they have done or skills they have acquired in their workplace.
On Friday, Minister of Higher Education and Training Naledi Pandor announced a 23-member reference group which will ensure recognition of prior learning (RPL) is realised.
The group will be chaired by Universities South Africa CEO Professor Ahmed Bawa.
Bawa said this policy will open up a way for people who have work experience and have learnt theory to be accredited by institutions of higher learning for their work experience.
“We want to try and formalise this coordination policy to be available in all our institutions of higher learning. We will think of ways to systematise it so that it can become a common knowledge. For instance, if you have worked as an electrician and gained mathematical skills over the years, you should be accredited for that when you want to pursue your studies further,” Bawa said.
The reference group has been appointed for a period of three years but still have to meet and help develop a strategy and implementation plan of the coordination policy.
The policy is based on the report and proposal from the ministerial task team on a national strategy for RPL.
Part of the policy stated that for RPL to be fully realised, it needs to be given concrete expression in the policies and practices of education and training providers.
Ministry of Higher Education and Training spokesman Lunga Ngqengelele said the purpose of the policy is to provide a strong environment for further development across the post-school education and training system.
He said it also aims to facilitate access to and mobility and progression within education and training and career paths.
“It will also accelerate the redress of the past unfair discrimination in education, training and employment opportunities,” Ngqengelele said.
The reference group’s main function will also be to advise Pandor about funding for the coordinating mechanism for the policy in the first phase.
“They will also monitor and evaluate the progress made in RPL implementation and coordination across the education and training sector.”
The original of this report by Yoliswa Sobuwa appeared on page 2 of Sowetan of 23 July 2018
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