sandu1The SA National Defence Union (Sandu) reports that several soldiers, recently repatriated from deployment duties in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), were given until 5 November 2015 to provide reasons why they should not be dismissed.  

The notices issued by the SA National Defence Force (SANDF) to the soldiers allege that the soldiers breached a curfew and were absent from their base without leave.  The union has rejected this method of addressing the issue with the implicated soldiers as it says is in disregard of the military legislation dealing with matters of military discipline and of the country’s constitution.  It says that SANDF members, who are alleged to have committed disciplinary breaches, are legally entitled to a fair trial by a military court and the SANDF is also obliged to prosecute any disciplinary breach for which it has prima facie evidence.  To date, Sandu has received instruction from 15 soldiers to defend their rights in this matter.  

By letter dated 5 November 2015 to the Department of Defence, Sandu pointed out that the process by which the SANDF is attempting to dismiss the members is unlawful and for that reason “the Minister should not rely on this process to effect any decision about the continued employment of the members.”  This followed previous correspondence from the union’s attorneys on this matter.

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