Today's Labour News

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numBusiness Report writes that the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) wants the Chamber of Mines to reopen wage negotiations with Sibanye Gold notwithstanding an existing three-year deal concluded last year.  

The union said it was enraged by a reported wage deal that Sibanye reached with the Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (Amcu) last week after the latter had threatened to strike.  It is an unusual practice for talks to resume after an employer and unions have already reached a deal.  However, Amcu has continued to negotiate without Sibanye outside of Chamber processes after it declined to be a party to last year’s agreement, which three other unions signed.  At the time, the company implemented the agreement unilaterally in respect of Amcu members.  NUM general secretary David Sipunzi said the latest move had undermined collective bargaining structures and compromised the existing settlement, and the NUM too would retable its demands.  He said:  “We want the Chamber to reopen negotiations.  It seems Sibanye Gold has a lot on money.  To us they pleaded poverty and because we did not want to see the mines closing due to our huge demands, we agreed.”

  • Read this report by Theto Mahlakoana in full on page 15 of Business Report of 11 April 2016
  • See too, NUM angry at Sibanye for offering extra wage hike to Amcu, at SABC News
  • And also, Sibanye’s deal with Amcu catches flak, at The New Age

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