pikitupTimesLive reports that the five-week long Pikitup strike is over and the workers were due to be back on the job on Monday.  The waste management company, the City of Johannesburg and the SA Municipal Workers' Union (Samwu) reached an agreement at the weekend.  

According, negotiations will continue at the CCMA on the workers' salary bench-marking demands, and on allegations about the conduct of Pikitup managing director Amanda Nair.  Part of the agreement is that workers in grades A and B will receive a R750 once-off payment.  The CCMA will facilitate further negotiations on outstanding issues over the next three days.  Half of the wages paid to the workers during the strike will be recovered by short payments at the end of this month, and the remainder by deductions in May and June "to allow workers to have some money in their accounts".  About 4,000 workers are facing disciplinary hearings for ignoring dismissal notices and the two court interdicts against them issued during the strike.

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