TimesLive reports that airport services in respect of Kulula and British Airways could face disruptions as employees of Comair, which services these airlines, are due to embark on a strike on Thursday.
About 700 employees, mostly represented by the United Association of SA (Uasa), are expected to down tools after wage negotiations with Comair failed. Employees are demanding a 35% increase in their salaries as they claim they are the lowest paid in the industry. The employers are offering a 7.5% wage hike. Services such as the sale of tickets, processing of bags and ramping of aircraft (weighing of the plane for balance) could be affected. Late on Monday, Comair said it had a contingency plan prepared, but had not received the requisite 48-hour notice from the union.
- Read this report by Penwell Dlamini in full at TimesLive
- See too, Kulula and British Airways travellers face possible delays from Thursday, at BDLive
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