sapsBusiness Report writes that labour union Solidarity has been granted a temporary interdict to halt all employment equity (EE) promotions and appointments within the SA Police Service (SAPS).  

Police management will now have to wait until the Constitutional Court (CC) hands down judgment in a matter between the union and the Department of Correctional Services (DCS).  Thus, 5,122 posts advertised earlier this year will not be filled.  Solidarity brought the urgent court application to the Labour Court last month, and argued that if SAPS continued to hire and promote officers based on its employment equity plan, a floodgate of litigations would be brought against SAPS if the CC finds in the union’s favour in the DCS case.  In the DCS case, the union argued that the use of national racial demographics in setting numerical targets without considering other factors reduced the department’s EE plan to a quota system.

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