satawu thumb medium90 101BDLive reports that the SA Transport and Allied Workers’ Union (Satawu) in the Western Cape has dismissed allegations that it orchestrated incidents of train vandalism in the province resulting in chaos across the public transport system in Cape Town last week.  

But it acknowledged that the acts occurred following the "provocation" by Metrorail management last week when it decided to suspend and charge members who were on strike earlier in April.  Metrorail, a division of the Passenger Rail Agency of SA (Prasa), expects the disruptions to continue on Monday.  Satawu is in a standoff with Prasa after its planned strike was interdicted earlier in April, a day before its members were to down tools.  Satawu alleges that Prasa obtained the interdict without following proper procedures.  The union has bemoaned the "poor management" of Prasa and the "blatant exploitation of workers" and is demanding an end to outsourcing at the rail agency. Metrorail said at the weekend the company would apply for another interdict — this time to prevent further intimidation of staff and to prevent illegal strikers from entering their premises.

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