Today's Labour News

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sandf thumb medium90 89TimesLive reports that rescue operations are under way to find two soldiers who disappeared while swimming at Port St Johns in the Eastern Cape on Saturday.  

They were in the town to take part in a mission readiness exercise and were off-duty when they disappeared.  According to the National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) the men were swimming at Second Beach on Saturday afternoon when they got into difficulties.  Craig Lambinon, the institute's spokesman, said that, despite an extensive sea and shoreline search, there was no sign of the men and that they were presumed to have drowned.  SA National Defence Force (SANDF) spokesman Brigadier-General Xolani Mabanga, said yesterday the search for the two soldiers was still under way.

  • Read the original of this report by Leonie Wagner at TimesLive
  • See too, Twee weermaglede ter see vermis, at Maroela Media

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