southafricalogoBDLive reports that the much-maligned Compensation Fund has embarked on an action plan to fix its problems, with "significant" progress having been made over the past year in the processing of claims.  

This is according to the fund’s commissioner, Vuyo Mafata, who was speaking in Parliament on Wednesday.  The action plan was developed in June last year with implementation starting the following month.  Capacity in financial management has been strengthened, and the claims processing system was under way.  A skills audit has also been conducted.  According to Mafata, 74% of the plan’s short term goals had been achieved by the end of March, with the next milestones being the end of June and the end of April 2017.  However, aggrieved doctors and hospitals who complain about the non-payment of their claims will have to wait to see if there is concrete progress before applauding the new initiative.

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