Today's Labour News

newsThis news aggregator site highlights South African labour news from a wide range of internet and print sources. Each posting has a synopsis of the source article, together with a link or reference to the original. Postings cover the range of labour related matters from industrial relations to generalist human resources.

VantageGoldfieldsThe Citizen writes that there are currently 650 workers at Vantage Goldfields’ Lily Mine anxiously waiting to hear whether or not they will in fact receive their pay at the end of April.  

It has been close to three months since gold production at Lily Mine was stopped following the tragic accident on 5 February when three workers inside a container office fell into a massive sinkhole and were buried under rubble.  On Thursday evening, several employees of the mine arrived at the Barberton Golf Club for a meeting held by the trade union Solidarity, after mine management informed workers they would not receive their remuneration on the usual pay-day, but “possibly” only next Friday.  The union’s general secretary Gideon du Plessis said that a retrenchment process could be prevented if funding could be procured for three major projects, otherwise “650 workers and 250 contractors are staring retrenchment in the face.”

  • Read this report by Anchen Coetzee in full at The Citizen
  • See too, Lily miners not forgotten, says minister, at News24
  • And also, Lily mineworkers face bleak job prospects, at Sunday Independent

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