buffalocitymetroDispatchLive reports that the embattled Buffalo City Metro (BCM) lurched from one crisis to another on Thursday when hundreds of its employees downed tools and took to the streets in protest over promotions, back payments and outsourcing services.  

The strike caught the city management by surprise as there was currently no dispute declared between workers affiliated to the SA Municipal Workers’ Union (Samwu) and BCM.  The metro is still reeling from a water crisis that saw hundreds of thousands of residents go without water for two days after problems at the Umzonyana treatment works.  Commuters faced traffic jams in the East London CBD on Thursday as traffic came to a standstill when workers blockaded Oxford Street.  They stoned the municipal finance department building, dumped garbage and set tyres ablaze on the streets.  Workers said they would not stop striking until all their demands were met.

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