City Press writes that the Free Market Foundation’s (FMF’s) court challenge against the extension to nonparties of bargaining council wage deals was quashed last week, but the judges also identified all the actual ways that these extensions could be legally challenged.
Despite a full Bench of three high court judges dismissing the FMF’s argument as “wholly wrong” and “fundamentally misconceived”, the think-tank claimed victory because the judgment is in effect a guide for employers and interest groups such as the foundation on how to properly attack future wage deals and get out of collective bargaining. This follows failed attempts to do exactly that by, among other organisations, the National Employers’ Association of SA (Neasa), which has been trying for years to get out of wage deals at the Metal and Engineering Industries Bargaining Council (MEIBC). Neasa’s CEO Gerhard Papenfus also called the judgment a “victory”.
- Read this report by Dewald van Rensburg in full at City Press
- Read too, Court dismisses challenge against collective bargaining extension, at BDLive
- And also, Collective bargaining judgment a win for all? at Business Report
- As well as, FMF 'considering whether to appeal' collective bargaining ruling, at IOL News
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