Today's Labour News

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strike thumb medium85 85Business Report writes that the Food and Allied Workers' Union (Fawu), which represents some 85 000 workers across various food sectors, is set to go out on strike in the grain industry.  

In a statement, the union said workers were battling with the high cost of living and employers were offering increases far below their demands.  The unions in the industry, which represent 9,500 some workers, are demanding a 9% wage increase, or an additional R550 a month per employee across the board, whichever is the greater.  Among other demands, workers want an annual guaranteed 13th cheque as well as a housing allowance of R850.  Fawu has indicated that, as the talks have deadlocked, a strike will start on Friday.  The negotiations cover primarily eight main employers (OVK, VKB, SUIDWES, Senwes, Grain Field Chickens, GWK, NWK and OBARO).

  • Read this report in full at Business Report
  • See too, Grain industry braces for strike, on page 15 of Business Report of 8 June 2016

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