Fin24 reports that members of National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) will decide on Wednesday if they will return to work at Northam Platinum's Zondereinde mine.
The mine was shut on Monday after violent clashes between NUM and a rival union. On Tuesday, Northam asked the workers to return, saying calm had been restored. But NUM, the majority union at the mine, and arch rival the Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (Amcu) have both said their members would not go back until they felt it was safe to do so. NUM spokesman Livhuwani Mammburu said the union's members would hold a mass meeting at midday on Wednesday to decide if they would go back underground. "It is up to the members to decide," he indicated. A Northam spokesperson confirmed the mine remained closed for a third day.
- Read this report in full at Fin24
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