NorthamMining Weekly reports that the management of Northam Platinum said talks would continue with all parties to resolve the current unrest at its Zondereinde platinum mine, in Limpopo, and ensure its employees returned to work.  

The National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) and Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (Amcu) are the two union parties involved.  A mass meeting attended by NUM members, Northam management and the police was held at the mine on Wednesday to address safety and security concerns.  The NUM’s spokesperson Livhuwani Mammburu indicated on Wednesday afternoon that union members would only return to work if the mine provided them with “ironclad” assurances that their safety was guaranteed.  Northam SAPS Colonel Noko Kgoshiyadira said the situation was stable “without being calm”.  Patrols near the mine and in the town have been increased.

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