Today's Labour News

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NorthamBDLive reports that the Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (Amcu) said on Thursday it would not allow its members at Northam Platinum’s Zondereinde mine to be coerced into returning to work until it was satisfied safety could be assured.  

Amcu would consider a legal interdict against the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) and the company, Amcu president Joseph Mathunjwa indicated.  He further accused Northam of creating an environment hostile to union competition where “NUM can live on its own, or that the workers at Northam Platinum cannot join any other union other than NUM.”  Two employees have been killed since Sunday and operations at the mine have been suspended since Sunday evening.  The NUM, which is the majority union of at the mine, has also refused to heed a company call on Tuesday for a return to work.

  • Read this report by Karl Gernetzky in full at BDLive
  • Read Amcu’s press statement on this matter at Amcu online

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