BDLive reports that Sibanye Gold has suspended six shop stewards belonging to the Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (Amcu), which follows a brief strike at its Kroondal platinum mine.
The precious metals producer has also brought criminal proceedings against one of the stewards. "One of the six is the Amcu branch chairperson against whom criminal charges have been laid with the South African Police Service, after repeatedly making direct threats to a member of the Kroondal mine management," the company said in a statement on Friday. The unprotected strike on 27 May was declared unlawful and unprotected after Sibanye sought a court interdict to end it.
- Read this report by Allan Seccombe in full at BDLive
- See too, Sibanye suspends Amcu members at Kroondal, at Mining Weekly
- Read Sibanye’s press statement at Sharenet
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