Today's Labour News

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statssaBDLive reports that inflation, as measured by the consumer price index (CPI) and reported by Statistics SA, decelerated to 6.1% in May from 6.2% in April, surprising economists who had expected it to rise to about 6.3%.  

Nedbank's economic team commented:  "Regardless of the moderation in the previous two months, the inflation rate is forecast to increase in the months ahead, driven mainly by higher food prices due to the effect of the drought.  The weak rand and higher administered prices will also continue to exert upward pressure, with CPI likely to remain above the 6 % upper target until the last quarter of 2017.”  Food inflation registered 10.8%, from 11.3% in April, with all but two food sub-components registering slower growth on both a year-on-year and month-on-month basis.  There was also assistance from a lower fuel price.

  • Read this report by Robert Laing in full at BDLive

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