Today's Labour News

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sabcNews24 reports that four journalists fired by the SA Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) are disappointed they cannot go back to work despite a Labour Court judgement ordering the public broadcaster to reinstate them.  

Dirk Hermann, CEO of trade union Solidarity, said:  "They are so disappointed.  They were so excited to come back to work, especially as an election is coming.  They want to tell the public about the news. They are journalists, they want to communicate news and suddenly they (SABC management) are saying you can't despite a court order that says they can come back to work.”  The four were denied entry into SABC's Johannesburg offices when they reported for duty a little after 08:00 on Wednesday morning.  The SABC intends to appeal the court ruling, while Solidarity will now go back to the Labour Court on an urgent basis to urge the court to order the SABC to allow its members to go back to work.

  • Read this report by Lizeka Tandwa in full at News24

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