Today's Labour News

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education blackboard thumb medium80 92News24 reports that more than 200 teachers were charged with assault by the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) in the past year, education MEC Debbie Schafer confirmed on Tuesday.  

She indicated that a circular had recently been sent to all schools and officials to remind them that strict disciplinary action will be taken against staff members who administered corporal punishment.  In 2015/2016 222 teachers were charged, up from the 204 of 2014/2015.  Schafer said corporal punishment and assault were regarded as the same, and carried the same sanctions according to the SA Schools Act.  According to Stats SA figures for six provinces for the period 2009 to 2012, the Western Cape had the lowest incidence of corporal punishment in the country.

  • Read this report by Tammy Petersen in full at News24
  • Read the WCED’s press statement at SA Govt online

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