Today's Labour News

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headgearMining Weekly reports that Deepa Vallabh of law firm Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr is of the view that the draft reviewed Mining Charter Three is not an effective tool to achieve the transformation of the mining industry.  

Speaking at a ‘State of the South African mining industry’ seminar, in Johannesburg, on Wednesday, Vallabh stressed that, while transformation in the mining industry was imperative for South Africa’s national transformation objectives, “the fact that government pushes policy and legislation that is unclear, creates uncertainty, and in many instances is [not] implementable is . . . a joke to the objectives that they are setting to redress the imbalances and disparities that exist in our industry”.  Vallabh unpacked several key elements in the draft review, which included ownership and empowerment partnerships, procurement and supply, employment equity, mine community development, as well as housing and living conditions, stressing that there were “no obvious links” between the proposals and progressing transformation objectives.

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