Today's Labour News

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universumFin24 reports that according to Universum Global’s survey on employer attractiveness for students and young professionals, government departments and parastatals have declined in attractiveness from the previous year.  

The survey, released on Friday, collected responses from 46,981 students and 22,321 professionals across different areas of work such as engineering, science, humanities, law and business.  Respondents voted from a list of companies on whom they viewed to be the most attractive employers.  The results showed that, even though government employers were still among the most attractive, this was starting to slowly decline.  For example, among students, in the category of business and commerce, the SA Revenue Service moved down three places from sixth to ninth place.  Similarly, Transnet, which ranked third in 2016, dropped eight places to 11.  Eskom dropped from 11 to 20.  The decline in attractiveness reflected negative media attention some departments received over the year, Universum explained.  Among private firms, the survey revealed that Google was dominant across most fields.

  • Read this report by Lameez Omarjee in full at Fin24

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