Today's Labour News

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eskomBusiness Report writes that lawyers for Eskom head of generation, Matshela Koko, have sent notes to Business Leadership SA (BLSA) and the National Union of Metalworkers of SA (Numsa), warning them to desist from condemning his recent disciplinary hearing.  

The two bodies have been vociferous in their criticism of Koko’s return to the power utility.  He was reinstated earlier this week to his old job after an Eskom disciplinary process found him not guilty of a handful of misconduct charges.  The disciplinary process has drawn sharp criticism from a number of quarters, with some branding it a sham.  In stern letters to Numsa and BLSA, Koko’s lawyers said he took exception to the criticism of the disciplinary process.  “Our client’s disciplinary hearing was conducted properly and in compliance with the rule of law as well as Eskom’s internal processes and procedures,” the letter stated.  It also noted that the two organisations had made their respective utterances without reading the record of the proceedings and the judgment by the hearing’s chairperson.  BLSA on Tuesday maintained that Koko’s reinstatement was, at best, premature because “there is currently a parliamentary inquiry into governance failures under way at which Koko has not appeared to clear his name.”  It also noted that there was a Special Investigating Unit (SIU) investigation into key contracts at Eskom, including those overseen by Koko.  Numsa confirmed receipt of the letter from Koko’s lawyers.

  • Read a transcript of the full report by Siseko Njobeni at SA Labour News

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