Today's Labour News

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earningsANA reports that a report by investment firm 10X Investment shows that enduring pay disparities between males and females mean that many women in South Africa were not able to retire comfortably.  

In a report released last week, 10X Investments said 32% of female South Africans were uncertain about their retirement plan, while men were almost 10% more clear on their long-term investment and savings plan.  “The wage gap may go some way to explaining why so many South African women are not prepared for retirement when the time comes around,” Emma Heap of 10X Investments said.  Gender pay gaps between men and women have been commonplace for decades in most countries around the world including SA, for various socio-economic reasons including the fact that women traditionally take time off from their jobs to take care of families.  The 2017 Pulse of the People report run by market research firm Ipsos found that, on average, women in SA earned 27% less than their male counterparts.  The report, which surveyed more than 3,500 employed South Africans across various occupations and regions, found that this gap was even wider among top earners.

  • Read this report in full at Business Report
  • Read too, No logic justifies why SA women are paid 23% less than men, at BusinessLIve (paywall access)

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