Today's Labour News

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joburgcityTimeslive reports that City of Johannesburg mayor Herman Mashaba said on Thursday that a manager who helped a company without relevant experience land a lucrative contract has been dismissed.  

He indicated that the official was a Section 56 Manager and as such an extensive disciplinary process had had to be followed.  A forensic investigation was initiated into the official's conduct after "the discovery of the highly problematic process during the capacitation of the Office of the Ombudsman"‚ the mayor said in a statement.  Arising from the disciplinary hearing‚ the official was found guilty of all charges which included fraud; contravention of Supply Management Policy and of the Municipal Finance Management Act; gross dereliction of duties; and gross negligence in the course of his duties.  Mashaba outlined the circumstances behind the charges which related to the establishment of the call centre for the Office of the Ombudsman.  He said he had instructed the city's group forensics unit to lay criminal charges against the now-dismissed official.

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