Today's Labour News

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newsNews24 reports that the violent taxi strike that saw at least three buses set alight in the Western Cape on Monday has been called off.  

ANC member of the provincial parliament Cameron Dugmore indicated that the strike was called off after the party engaged with the Minibus Taxi Industry Task Team (MTITT) on Monday evening at Cosatu's offices in Cape Town.  "They agreed to end the strike on our request and our commitment to bring the affected parties together," said Dugmore.  Buses were set alight in Khayelitsha in the early hours of Monday morning, and thousands of commuters were left stranded.  Western Cape taxi drivers had embarked on a strike in a dispute over a conference that was supposed to have been held to resolve a leadership dispute over the provincial arm of the South African National Taxi Council (Santaco).

  • Read this report by Mxolisi Mngadi in full at News24
  • See too, Taxi strike called off after ANC intervenes, at Cape Times
  • And also, Golden Arrow buses back in operation, at SABC News

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