SowetanLive reports that the leadership of the SA Municipal Workers’ Union (Samwu) has been accused of illegally extending its stay at the helm of the biggest municipal labour union in the country.
Former general secretary Walter Theledi has laid a fraud case against the leadership, including its president and current general secretary, accusing them of forging his signature in a document informing the Department of Labour of an "illegal" constitutional amendment which extended the term of office bearers by two years. In a sworn affidavit, Theledi states that he became aware in May that a resolution and a certificate of constitutional amendments were submitted to the department in August 2015 during his tenure as secretary. "I deny that at any stage I submitted the said resolution and certificate or knew of such resolution and certificate until this information was brought to my attention. The signature is definitely not mine... and accordingly the said resolution and certificate is unauthorised, fraudulent and illegal." Theledi attested. Samwu's present general secretary, Simon Mathe, said on Monday that the contested signature was his and that the resolution certificate notifying the department of the changes in the constitution had been duly authorised.
- Read this report by Isaac Mahlangu in full at SowetanLive
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