Today's Labour News

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eskomMining Weekly reports that according to Eskom Group CE André de Ruyter, the state-owned power utility was implementing five urgent and interdependent priorities.  

He told the Joburg Indaba on Thursday that firstly the utility was aiming for operational stability, which would considerably reduce the risk of load-shedding.  By April 2021, Eskom was expecting to see the benefits of enhanced maintenance and, by September 2021, would have considerably reduced the risk of load-shedding.  De Ruyter emphasised that the risk would not be eliminated entirely, but would be reduced.  Secondly, the utility was undertaking actions to improve its income statement.  Thirdly, it was undertaking focused actions to address its balance sheet.  Fourthly, Eskom had started the process of restructuring into three divisions, namely generation, distribution and transmission.  De Ruyter advised that divisionalisation was the first step of that process and that notable progress had been made on the 2019/20 targets towards the legal separation of Eskom’s three main business.  Fifthly, De Ruyter noted that Eskom was undertaking an organisational culture change, including restructuring staff and rooting out corruption.

  • Read the full original of the report in the above regard at Mining Weekly

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