Today's Labour News

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sadtu90SowetanLive reports that giving a keynote address during the SA Democratic Teachers' Union’s (Sadtu’s) virtual 30th celebration, President Cyril Ramaphosa paid tribute to teachers who had braved the dangers and risks posed by the Covid-19 pandemic and returned to classrooms when asked to do so.  

“I wish to pay tribute to all the teachers of our country who work under very difficult circumstances.  You are true nation builders and the work you do is greatly appreciated.  Your dedication to the success of our children and the future of our country has been proven time and again but more so during the Covid-19 pandemic,” Ramaphosa stated.  He also expressed his appreciation that some teachers might have been understandably and justifiably reluctant to return to school, but their passion for education triumphed over fear and anxiety.  “We remember and pay tribute to those teachers who have succumbed to the virus and those who are still not well.  Government is committed to the safety of all our educators and learners as well as for all the support staff in our school environment,” Ramaphosa stated.  He also congratulated Sadtu for remaining strong after 30 years.

  • Read the full original of the report in the above regard by Yoliswa Sobuwa at SowetanLive

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