Today's Labour News

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angiemotshekgaTimesLIVE reports that Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga has acknowledged that the education system is experiencing severe challenges including infrastructure backlogs, overcrowding and a shortage of educational resources.

She reflected on the challenges as she announced on Sunday that SA would on Thursday be joining other countries in celebrating World Teachers’ Day under the theme “The teachers we need for the education we want: The global imperative to reverse the teacher shortage”. Motshekga said: “Under these difficult circumstances, it is our teachers who have made the centre hold. In the midst of a lack of other educational resources, our teachers remain the only available and most critical resource.” She advised that the department was working with provincial education departments to intensify the delivery of school infrastructure. Another challenge was overcrowded classrooms. Yet, the department is confident the annual performance plan’s targets will be met and that the budget allocated will be used. Motshekga called on South Africans to dedicate time on Thursday and during the month to do something special for teachers. On Thursday, the department will host the National Teaching Awards in Pretoria to honour teachers who have demonstrated exceptional performance and commitment in different areas of their work.

  • Read the full original of the report in the above regard by Phathu Luvhengo at BusinessLive

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