sadtu90News24 reports that a protest by the SA Democratic Teachers’ Union (Sadtu) in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) is threatening the final examinations for some pupils in the province.

While matrics are not expected to be affected, grades 9 to 11 could expect delays in the final weeks of their internal exams. The peaceful picket by Sadtu members began on Monday and was expected to intensify from Wednesday morning. Despite criticism for picketing amid examinations, the union’s leadership in the province said they had tried to bring pivotal issues to education department management for months. Sadtu KZN provincial secretary Noma Caluza said protests would be held in all the districts and circuits in the province. She advised that the union had been speaking to the education department since May about norms and standards. Caluza said they were also protesting the fact that vacancies had yet to be filled and about an outstanding 1.5% wage increase. She added that monies for schools to pay for items such as paper and ink were outstanding, and many principals had to pay out of their pockets for these essentials. "While the department has responded to us, we are not happy with what they are saying. We are seeing their response as justification for what is going wrong," Caluza indicated. Education department spokesperson Muzi Mahlambi said they had met with Sadtu and had amicable discussions. "We had some resolutions for specific dates for implementation. They were going to go back to consult with structures. The impression they gave us is that while there were issues, they were fine with what is on the table," he said.

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