nxesiFin24 reports that government has made changes to proposed new employment equity targets, including doing away with specific targets for African, coloured, Indian and white workers.

Last year, new legislation came into law that empowered the Department of Employment and Labour (DEL) to set transformation targets for different industries. In May, DEL Minister Thulas Nxesi released national and provincial targets for 11 sectors to be achieved within five years. The targets came under fire from the DA and others who believed they were unconstitutional and could lead to job losses. A public consultation process followed. On Thursday, Nxesi published new proposed targets, which do away with the distinction between provincial and national targets. Also, instead of different targets for African, coloured, Indian and white employees, there will now only be a single target for "designated groups". In the Employment Equity Act, designated groups are defined as black people (Africans, coloureds and Indians), women, and people with disabilities who are citizens of South Africa by birth or descent. Government has insisted that the new targets are not quotas, which would amount to job reservation and would be unconstitutional. A table indicating the proposed new employment equity targets for different sectors is included in the Fin24 news article.

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