Today's Labour News

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durbanTimesLIVE reports that an eThekwini municipality employee who was caught last week damaging newly-upgraded cables that link servers and feeds to security CCTV cameras was arrested on Tuesday.

The arrest came after the camera operator, 30, had been under investigation by the city’s disaster management unit, its integrity investigation unit and the police. The cameras are linked to the city’s emergency service control room, which monitors and detects crime. The city has opened a criminal case of theft, sabotage and vandalism of municipal infrastructure. The employee was also served with a notice of immediate suspension. The municipality late last year embarked on a project to repair and upgrade CCTV cameras in the city centre. The city’s disaster management and services head, Vincent Ngubane, said anyone founding tampering or sabotaging municipal infrastructure, including CCTV cameras, would be arrested. “This includes our own staff. Repairing damaged infrastructure is costly and is a major setback in the fight against crime,” said Ngubane.

  • Read the full original of the report in the above regard by Mfundo Mkhize at SowetanLive

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