Today's Labour News

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SolidarityTimesLIVE reports that Solidarity threatened legal action on Tuesday on the eve of President Cyril Ramaphosa's signing of the National Health Insurance (NHI) Bill into law.

The trade union wrote to Ramaphosa to indicate that within an hour of him signing the bill, it would start a legal process against the legislation. The Presidency announced on Monday that Ramaphosa would publicly sign the bill into law on Wednesday at an official ceremony. In a letter of demand, the union said it would fight the bill at every level possible and warned Ramaphosa it would ask the court to make an order as to costs in the personal capacities of the President and the Minister of Health Dr Joe Phaahla. Moreover, in its letter of demand to the President, Solidarity claimed that the bill and the procedures that had been followed to approve it had been unconstitutional and it could not be declared law in its current format. Solidarity's CEO Dr Dirk Hermann stated: “If the president signs the NHI Bill, knowing that it contains substantial flaws, he is certainly also responsible for the consequences thereof. This piece of legislation will be detrimental to all South Africans. The NHI Bill is populist, irrational and unaffordable. To put the entire country’s health at risk for the sake of votes is extremely reckless.” Solidarity said that in court documents it would clearly outline how the NHI was unaffordable and also point out the failure of the government to conduct a proper cost analysis.

  • Read the full original of the report in the above regard by Phathu Luvhengo at TimesLIVE
  • Lees ook, Onderteken NGV, en hofstukke sal volg,’ maan Solidariteit, by Maroela Media

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