Today's Labour News

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Stats SABusinessLive reports that trade, business services and mining were among the sectors that experienced significant declines in employment in the first quarter of 2024, collectively contributing to a decrease in jobs across various industries.

Total employment fell by 67,000 jobs from 10,731,000 in December 2023 to 10,664,000 in March 2024, representing a quarter-on-quarter decrease of 0.6%. Statistics SA announced the results of the Quarterly Employment Statistics for the first quarter on Tuesday. According to Stats SA, the decreases were recorded in the following industries: trade lost 57,000, community services 18,000, business services 4,000 and mining 3,000. During this period, electricity and transport showed no change. However, there were increases in the following industries, namely manufacturing, transport and construction. Meanwhile, overall full-time employment dropped sharply by 29,000, decreasing from 9,513,000 in December 2023 to 9,484,000 in March 2024. Full-time employment decreased by 16,000 between March 2023 and March 2024. Part-time employment fell by 38,000 quarter on quarter, from 1,218,000 in December 2023 to 1,180,000 in March 2024.

  • Read the full original of the report in the above regard by Noxolo Majavu at BusinessLive
  • Read too, Increase in unemployment as various industries shed jobs, at The Citizen

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