Today's Labour News

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gavel thumb100 News24 reports that the Mpumalanga High Court sitting in Middleburg on Tuesday sentenced a 53-year-old man to life imprisonment for the murder of 14-year-old Bhekimuzi Ziko on a farm in Kamhlushwa, Nkomazi.

Sarel Petrus du Plessis was found guilty of murdering Ziko, whom he shot in December 2018 on a farm where he had been hired as a security guard. Mpumalanga police spokesperson Colonel Donald Mdhluli said the boy was with his brother and friends when Du Plessis fired at him using an unlicensed firearm. "He further tried to kill those that were together with Bhekimuzi, however he failed as they ran for their lives," Mdhluli said. The accused was arrested on 8 December 2018, then taken to court where he was found guilty on 20 June 2023. He has been in custody since then. In addition to the life sentence for murder, Du Plessis was sentenced to 20 years imprisonment for two counts of attempted murder, five years for the possession of an unlicensed firearm, and three years for the possession of unlicensed ammunition. All the counts will run concurrently with the life sentence. Du Plessis was also declared unfit to possess a firearm.

  • Read the full original of the report in the above regard by Noxolo Sibiya at News24

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