Today's Labour News

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GeorgeEWN reports that Western Cape Premier Alan Winde has not ruled out a commission of inquiry into the George building collapse. But he said that investigating authorities must first be allowed to conclude their work.

Winde was responding to a call from the Patriotic Alliance’s Bazil Petrus following a debate on his opening of the provincial parliament address. Thirty-three people died in May when a nearly complete apartment block caved in on the more than 60 workers on site. At least three investigations are underway, namely by the police, the department of employment and labour and the province. "If the investigations that are on the go at the moment are not satisfactory, then I will call for a commission of inquiry. I do have that power within the Constitution. But I first must give the South African Police Services the space to do and complete their investigation. We are still waiting for that investigation," Winde replied. He added that those complicit in the cause of the collapse would be held accountable.

Read the original of the short report in the above regard by Lindsay Dentlinger at EWN

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