Today's Labour News

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gavel thumb100 IOL News reports that a man who shot and killed a police officer has been sentenced to life imprisonment in the Western Cape High Court.

Aviwe Ndwanyana, 27, was found guilty of charges of murder, attempted robbery with aggravating circumstances, possession of an unlicensed firearm, possession of unlicensed ammunition, and pointing of a firearm. In June 2020, Constable Asanda Siyoko, 30, and her colleagues from the Nyanga Crime Prevention Unit (CPU) were shot at while inspecting a spaza shop that was operating after curfew in New Rest Squatter Camp, Nyanga. At the time, a curfew to curb the spread of the Covid-19 virus was in place and stores could only trade until 6pm. Siyoko and two colleagues were patrolling along Old Klipfontein Road and Moya Street in Old Crossroads when they noticed that a spaza shop was still open after 10.30pm. The three officers inspected the store and were ambushed by a gunman who opened fire on them. All three were shot. Siyoko was hit in the neck, and she later died in hospital due to her injuries. Ndwanyana was arrested on 8 June 2020 and was remanded in custody. The court sentenced Ndwanyana to life imprisonment for murder, 15 years for robbery with aggravating circumstances, five years for possession of an unlicensed firearm, five years for possession of unlicensed ammunition, and 18 months for pointing a firearm.

Read the full original of the report in the above regard by Robin-Lee Francke at IOL News

See too, Cape Town man handed life sentence for killing cop at EWN

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