Today's Labour News

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UIFThe Citizen reports that the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) says it is working on improving efficiency and the overall delivery of services to its clients.

Speaking in the Northern Cape last week, UIF Commissioner Teboho Maruping said members of the Fund’s Audit, Risk and Fraud Committees and the UIF Board would inspect local UIF service points. This will feed into to a report aimed at addressing operational incompetence. “The issues found during inspections and client engagements will form part of a consolidated report that will assist us in eliminating operational inefficiencies,” Maruping advised. UIF plans to hold a workshop for its officials in September to develop plans towards its goals. Officials from across the country will collaborate with management and governance structures to create and implement solutions for improvement over the short to medium term. Maruping further advised that the fund had already taken a variety of steps to eliminate long queues at service points: “[In addition] to implementing new service platforms such as the USSD and Mobile App we have installed free Wi-Fi at all labour centres and embarked on strategic partnerships with Absa and Capitec Bank to enable clients to obtain completed and stamped UIF 2.8 (bank forms) at ATMs instead of travelling all the way to banks.”

  • Read the full original of the report in the above regard by Oratile Mashilo at The Citizen

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