Today's Labour News

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southafricalogoBusinessTech reports that the Minister of Public Service and Administration, Mzamo Buthelezi, has revealed that 471 public servants are on paid suspensions and that one received a salary for five years.

The minister provided this information as part of a parliamentary question and answer session last month. MP Sixolisa Gcilishe asked the minister what number of public servants were currently on paid suspension and what was the longest period a public servant had spent on paid suspension in the 2023-24 financial year. Buthelezi responded that as of the end of July 2024, 288 public servants from national departments and 183 from provincial departments were on paid suspension. He added that 54 public servants from national and provincial departments were suspended for longer than one year. The longest period a public servant has spent while on paid suspension in the 2023-24 financial year was five years, Buthelezi indicated, adding that the employee was from the Department of Defence. Buthelezi explained that the cases where employees have been on paid suspensions for longer than a year were complex and could not be finalised within the prescribed period. In the education sector, cases involving teachers committing sexual transgressions against learners were referred to the Education Labour Relations Council (ELRC). “The ELRC indicated it has a backlog of cases, which impacts the finalisation of cases,” Buthelezi said. The BusinessTech news reports includes a table showing the cases where public servants have been on paid suspensions for longer than a year.

  • Read the full original of the report in the above regard at BusinessTech

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