Today's Labour News

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southafricalogoBusinessTech reports that employers have until midnight today, 15 January 2025, to submit their annual 2024 Employment Equity reports (EEA2 & EEA4 forms).

The deadline for employers to submit their 2024 Reports will be at on 15 January 2025. Although the Employment Equity reporting season for both manual and online opened on 1 September 2024, the deadline for the manual reporting period closed on 1 October 2024. President Cyril Ramaphosa signed the proclamation notice giving effect to the commencement date on the implementation of the Employment Equity (EE) Amendment Act on 1 January 2025. Nevertheless, the Department of Employment and Labour (DEL) said that employers were expected to use EE legislation that predated the 2022 amendments. The EE Amendment Act was assented into law by the President in 2023, with the implication of the signing meaning that small businesses (those employing less than 50) would be exempt from developing EE plans and submitting EE reports to the department. The most noteworthy change coming in terms of the EE Amendment Act allows the DEL Minister to set numerical targets for the 18 different sectors identified by the Minister. Despite two separate and vastly different draft regulations setting out the proposed sectoral targets having already been published, the Minister has yet to issue a final version of such regulations.

  • Read the full original of the report in the above regard by Luke Fraser at BusinessTech

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