Today's Labour News

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TimesLIVE Premium reports that a lawyer is being investigated by the Legal Practice Council (LPC) and the police for allegedly falsifying a Labour Court judgment. labourcourts

Mzomhle Tshaka, a legal investment principal, is accused of fabricating the judgment, purportedly issued by Judge Robert Lagrange, in a dispute involving a former Astron Energy employee dismissed over the misuse of a bursary payment. An investigation by the Office of the Chief Justice (OCJ) has found the judgment and a related leave to appeal application to be fake. Thembile Mabhaso, the former employee who sought Tshaka's assistance to challenge his dismissal, reported the latter for the alleged fabrication. Mabhaso, who had worked for Astron Energy, was dismissed in January 2020 after a disciplinary hearing. The company accused him of “misappropriation or unauthorised use of company funds” after he received a bursary for an MSc in project management from UCT. Mabhaso appealed his dismissal, but the ruling was upheld in May 2020 and he lost his R83,500 a month job as an operating standards specialist. Instead of filing a review application within the required six weeks, he lodged it three years later, blaming Tshaka for misleading him with a fake judgment. After the Labour Court ruled against Mabhaso, he lodged an application for leave to appeal, which is still pending. This week, police confirmed they were investigating a fraud case, while the LPC said they were investigating Mabhaso’s complaint. On his LinkedIn profile, Tshaka describes himself as a “trained and experienced attorney specialising in all aspects of corporate finance, M&A, energy and petroleum”.

  • Read the full original of the report in the above regard by Philani Nombembe & Kim Swartz at TimesLIVE Premium (subscriber access only)

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