Today's Labour News

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handshake thumb medium90 90Fin24 reports that Transnet and the SA Transport and Allied Workers’ Union (Satawu) have agreed to above-inflation wage increases of 17.5% over the next three financial years for rail and port workers.

The agreement encompasses a 6% wage increase across the board for workers in the 2025/2026 financial year, a 6% wage increase in 2026/2027, and a 5.5% increase in 2027/2028. Also included are increases in pension fund contributions and housing allowances similar to the wage agreement, and access to affordable medical aid. The agreement follows a two-week cooling-off period after Transnet, Satawu, and the other transport union, the United National Transport Union (Untu), had previously been unable to agree on wage increases. With the current wage agreement set to expire on 31 March 2025, negotiations began again this week. Satawu said on Thursday it was satisfied with Transnet's revised offer. However, the union said negotiations were still ongoing to include an agreement that protected workers against any form of restructuring that could take place at the state logistics company or any private-public partnerships. Meanwhile, Untu has rejected Transnet's latest offer, adding it was "puzzled" as to why Satawu would accept it. The union said it would declare a dispute on the wage negotiations with the CCMA. “Untu is fully prepared to take to the streets and mobilise our more than 25,000 members to secure a liveable, just and fair wage increment," it warned.

  • Read the full original of the report in the above regard by Na'ilah Ebrahim at Fin24 (subscription or trial registration required)
  • Read too, Transnet strikes above-inflation wage hike with Satawu, at Moneyweb
  • And also, Transnet and Satawu sign three-year wage deal, at BusinessLive

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