Today's Labour News

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DesVanRooyenThe New Age reports that an agreement brokered by Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Minister, Des van Rooyen, between striking workers and the Mogalakwena municipality mayor, Parks Sebatjane in Mokopane has given hope for the resumption of normal activities.  

Workers affiliated to the SA Municipal Workers’ Union (Samwu) have been on strike for more than a month demanding equal pay with municipalities on the same level as theirs.  On Thursday last week, Van Rooyen, Sebatjane, provincial cooperative governance MEC Makoma Makhurepetja and Samwu agreed to cease hostilities and invoke Section 154 of the Constitution.  This means keeping with the back to basics approach with personnel from provincial and national departments coming to help promote good governance and provide basic services.  The back to basics team will also help workers in the negotiations on salaries.  The municipalities will also relax the court interdict against the striking workers to allow them to come back to work and would not apply the ‘no work no pay’ rule.

  • Read this report by Montsho Matlala in full at The New Age

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