Today's Labour News

newsThis news aggregator site highlights South African labour news from a wide range of internet and print sources. Each posting has a synopsis of the source article, together with a link or reference to the original. Postings cover the range of labour related matters from industrial relations to generalist human resources.

newsSunday Independent reports that five illegal miners have died after being trapped underground since Thursday evening, when the 90m-deep Bosveld Mine in Pongola, in northern KwaZulu-Natal, collapsed.  

It is alleged that there were 13 illegal gold miners inside the isolated mine near the village of Klipwal when it caved in.  Of the 13 miners, three were arrested for illegal mining and were scheduled to appear in court on Monday, five fled, and the remaining five were trapped and subsequently died.  It appears that the miners are from Lesotho.  A security guard at the mine said they have repeatedly warned the illegal miners, who are known as zama zamas (hustlers), to stop their activities because it was unsafe.  But their warning fell on deaf ears.

  • Read this report by Lungani Zungu in full at Sunday Independent
  • See too, Accused illegal miners to appear in court on Monday, at SABC News

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