Today's Labour News

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phiyegaSowetan reports that suspended national police commissioner Riah Phiyega believes that it will be a “huge task” for the SA Police Service to help take her down over the Marikana massacre.  

This is revealed in the embattled commissioner’s legal strategy for a board of inquiry into her fitness to hold office that starts today (Tuesday).  The strategy shows that Phiyega believes that the SAPS will testify against her.  But her legal team believes that the “mishaps ” caused by the Farlam Commission’s findings on the SAPS will hamper its efforts to prove that she misled the commission and also concealed some information from it.  The team believes that the Farlam findings do not have legal or factual basis and that the adverse findings against her were not supported by the evidence led during the commission.  Phiyega’s legal team will be going to the high court for the review of the commission’s findings.  The court challenge “attacking” Farlam’s findings will be used as one of the aces up her sleeve, to be played at the tail-end of the inquiry.  Police union Popcru will be the friend of the court, submitting information in support of Phiyega.  Phiyega was suspended on full pay in October last year.

  • Read this report by George Matlala and Sibongile Mashaba in full at SowetanLive
  • Read too, Phiyega inquiry gets under way on Tuesday, at The Citizen
  • And also, Phiyega will know her fate in 5 weeks, at The Star

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