Today's Labour News

newsThis news aggregator site highlights South African labour news from a wide range of internet and print sources. Each posting has a synopsis of the source article, together with a link or reference to the original. Postings cover the range of labour related matters from industrial relations to generalist human resources.

fawuBDLive reports that the Food and Allied Workers Union (Fawu) is determined to drag out the completion of the merger between Anheuser Busch InBev (AB InBev) and SABMiller in a bid to secure benefits for its members.  

Katishi Masemola, general secretary of Fawu, says he will attempt to interdict the implementation of the merger if the Competition Tribunal approves the transaction without considering his union’s requests for benefits in lieu of their participation in the SAB Zenzele black economic empowerment (BEE) scheme.  He and his union’s members are determined to secure some benefits from the BEE scheme.

  • Read this report by Ann Crotty in full at BDLive

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