Today's Labour News

newsThis news aggregator site highlights South African labour news from a wide range of internet and print sources. Each posting has a synopsis of the source article, together with a link or reference to the original. Postings cover the range of labour related matters from industrial relations to generalist human resources.

hospersaBDLive reports that private hospital group Netcare’s plans to outsource its Medicross pharmacies and its hospital retail outlets to retailer Clicks have drawn the ire of independent pharmacists and union Hospersa.  

Netcare will continue to run its own hospital pharmacies.  The Independent Community Pharmacy Association said the development threatened small businesses, while Hospersa (The Health & Other Service Personnel Trade Union of SA) said Netcare had failed to consult employees about its plans to transfer them to Clicks.  "Hospersa is truly astounded by this.  In terms of the Labour Relations Act, employers have to consult with employees when considering transfers, and here we see Netcare announcing it in a newsletter.  It is unheard of,” said the union’s Noel Desfontaines.  Hospersa is also unhappy about Netcare’s broader restructuring plans, and voiced its concerns to the company last week.  Netcare CEO Richard Friedland said on Wednesday that affected Netcare and Medicross staff would be transferred to Clicks on similar conditions of employment, and no jobs would be lost as a result of the transaction.

  • Read this report by Tamar Kahn in full at BDLive
  • Read Hospersa’s press statement at SA Labour News
  • See too, Clicks cops a winner with Netcare outsourcing, at Moneyweb

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